Georgia urgently needs to solve an environmental, health and public safety issue that is the result of how electricity has been produced for decades. Coal ash is the waste material left over at power plants that burn coal to generate electricity. Coal ash contains heavy metals and other contaminants that are harmful to human health, such as arsenic, chromium, lead and mercury. Coal ash is stored in coal ash ponds located throughout the state. Without proper storage and management, coal ash contaminants can pollute waterways, ground water, drinking water and the air. Upshots believes that an important part of our mission is to demonstrate public support from Georgians for our twin goals to help clean up the environment by eliminating coal ash and coal ash ponds while contributing to a healthier economy.
Upshots technology will help the state of Georgia decarbonize energy production and reduce the health dangers and environmental risks of coal ash. Additionally, our technology will create manufacturing jobs and contribute to the sustainable growth of the Georgia economy.
Please join our mission by donating!
Your donation as a Georgia resident will help Upshots continue to operate while we raise seed funding and the larger investment dollars required to scale up our technology for commercial use.
Thanks in advance for your support!